Friday, October 1, 2010

Move on...

Crushed in the Love Crash, She stood.
Move on! I said. Tears filled, She asked,
“If it were you, Could You?”
Smile filled and wiping her tears,
“Not once, But Time and again,
Yes... I have moved on”

“One summer dawn, still at school,
When my first crush thought,
That I was worth the trash,
Tears filled. But, I did move on…..”

“When the crush next,
Put her dreams first,
By the time she was cupid struck
I had moved on”

“When the girl of my dreams,
Walked away with the man of her dreams,
Heart wanted a halt,
But life forced me to move on”

“Once love sacrificed,
For a social compromise,
Turning back with a good bye,
Once more I had moved on….”

“Crushes move on….
Crashes move on….
Life moves on…..
And so I and You too should move on”

Wiping her tears… and looking into her eyes,
One selfish wish. Not Said
If she does not move on…
I may not move on….
But, if she does move on…..
TOGETHER, We will move on…

A Four Letter word Called LOVE--- PART 2

A Four Letter word with many a synonym….
But still nobody tells me what does ‘THIS’ LOVE mean?
The quest in me pulled the trigger…
And the bullet went to a ‘BETTER’ saint for answer.

“What do you think” he asked,
“Well, 1+1=3, sometimes more” my intelligence basked...
“Few questions,” That was him, “May clean your perception.
Love is not such a simple mathematical equation”

“The first question. Your first Infatuation?”
Me” The maths teacher I went for tuition!”
He giggled, “U learner, she teacher, anti poles.
So, Love not Maths… but Physics, Dirty Laws of Attraction…”

“And did she bother you with her anatomy..."
Surprised Me, Cool He, “so love is also botany...
Gastric imbalance and so a Chemical reaction...
The formulas of chemistry in action...

“Senses don’t work and Brain always foggy”
Surprised Me, Cool He Smiling, “Love is also Zoology,”
I, “Whats in your Heart... Do you say LOVE is a science in short?”
He, “No, Love is a art”, Me “What”?????????????????????

He showed me a painting abstract…
I perceived that to be confusion by heart…
“Bother to see you will find a Soul”
I bothered, but tough, “Yes I do”, I fooled.
He smiled and moved, So Love is an art, do I conclude?

And to my shock he. “Love is thy, I know u fooled, “
“And not Lie but true,
Many a synonym.... Many a Meaning...
But..... Still nobody tells me what does THIER LOVE mean?”
For a change ---- This time It was he and not me….

A Four Letter word Called LOVE--- PART 1

A Four Letter word with many a synonym….
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

From Adam and Eve days to the Arabian Tales…
Romeo’s Juliet lives still ... and Cleo’s venom still kills...
Kingdoms Died… Godly Secrets and Davinci codes born...…
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

Souls Shared ... Hearts teared… Deaths Kissed…Sleeps missed...
Hours of belonging is like a dose - wanting more and more….
Seconds of separation is a pain deeply boreD.
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

He thanks thy “Miser! Stingy hips”
She thanks thy “Mine blessed! Six abs pack.”
Rest thank thy- BLESSED inner self, LOVE is blind, God giggles…
But still he doesnt tell me what does this LOVE mean?

Colours recoded, inner secrets decoded,
A valentines day born.. (Urgency wanted 14.3 to b 14.2)
Love punished and a Childrens day born… (Urgency forced a 14.11)
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

Un seen faces lost... And then the sound of death songs...
In Love… Communication highways not very long.
Reality Strikes…Shattered images of Celluloid pose alike...
Desires Crash… Losers more and winners less….

Undefined LOVE still wins and lives.
Many a synonym.... Many a Meaning...
But..... Still nobody tells me what does THIER LOVE mean?

Me & God - The Tale of Love and Hate.

Years ago,

When the stars twinkled, and the bells ding donged,
and jack and Jill sang along……
I was shown a friend called God, the one who always smiled.

I was told that when in pain and need- to go to him
for he blessed every life to b blissful ever….

I wondered as I gazed and asked if he can; He smiled and just gave a wink….

Times rolled,

Pains were plenty, the needs were too lot…..
and every time I went to him…
he would just smile and wink at me….

Although pains may reduce … it would still pain.
Although needs were met…. more needs popped up.
And I was always wanting his blessings but saw him nowhere.
And everytime I went to him, he would just smile and wink at me…..

Times rolled,
And the seed of want grew into a weed of hate.
I hated him for not being there for me always…
for all the pains he left me to dwell with…
for not keeping me smelling the fragrance of good fortunes…

Someone said.. i have to create my own destiny…..
And so I walked away from my friend,
never bothering to look back and…
determined not to see him again…..

Through the journey many joined,
Being there and caring me, and walking beside all along,
and slowly pains were too less… needs were too little….
and life for the first time was very blissful...

Times rolled,

A loved friend of me reminded me that I had a blessed life…
and that was a disguised gift by the one forgotten …
The one who smiled and one who winked…
but wanted me to learn the life toughest way…my way.

And as I listened, I realized,
all those who came along walking beside,
loving me, guiding me, helping me, comforting me,
They were all who loved him,
and they loved me the one who hated thy.

One more time I went back to him,
With the forgotten love now flowing full,
But still he just smiled at me and winked.

Times rolled,

One by one those who walked beside are going away.
the one who gave me birth is out of the world,
the one gave me life gone forever,
the one who made my way blissful blown by the wind.
the one who gave me the smell of love gone with her beloved.

For now again I Love my friend,
and again the pains are too many.
For now I like him again after a long time
and again the needs are too heavy.

Time will again roll….
But lemme take a break….
Ask him why he wants me to hate him again
and what disguised blessings are for my take…

One more time I am standing in front of him,
gazing at him... waiting for his answer..
and as ever he just smiles and winks at me.........

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Vagabond...

Cracking within….Emotions forced
to react. Armored Heart barricades
the thoughts, Motion Laws forced to fail…
allowing the dictation of the acts.

Cupid’s arrows...the Eden’s apple…
Questioned Integrity…Blamed a Chauvenist…
Motions forced to react… But armored Heart Blocked.
Moving on determined… eyes on the last frontier.

Distractions thou plenty. but had to Ignore affection...
Escaped attention… Belonging no where.
Neglecting love… sowing weeds of hatred…
Loved to be hated… Moved on like a vagabond...

Inner peace inhaled… Self masked… in the land
Of charmers … here I am… in a royal poise…
Wiping away the pains and hurts… Buddha reborn…
In a brief halt…safe and saved in this disguised sainity.

Behind the armored heart, a thirst unquenched…
All Barricaded reactions is now a force within…
For that frontier to be gifted back for those souls...
Sacrificed. Laughed at...Lose... I may as I move on…

But Here... Remember, I am Just a Vagabond.

The Spring arrives...

Fluttering the wings and
Flying west with its gang
The white bird winks at me…
Morning sun smiles bright…
Once again… The spring has arrived…

The touch of green crayons…
amidst the browns after fall…
Butterflies around on the innocent buds…
Young and colorful Lady Earth…
As again….The spring has arrived…

A sober painter is all gay…
A nature’s poet is all set...
Farmer’s glee ready for the harvest...
Lost I stand in the promise around….
all again…. The spring has arrived…

The winking white bird knows…
The smiling Morning sun has seen…
The butter flies are back to remind…
The promises that remain…To restart..
Time again… The spring has arrived…

Underneath I too know….
The many promises I owe to spring…
Every time she arrives… I give a Promise…
The annuals of school to the annals of Love and life…
Promise again… The spring has arrived…

Burnt in the Flames of summer…
Washed down in autumn…
Losing track in the mists of winter…
Promises awake again today.. a new beginning
Hopes again…. The spring has arrived…

Resolute I move… afraid of …
the warnings… Promise again…
to keep up the promises that Remain…
Fear of the Engulfing warming…..
My Breaches may see the spring....
........................... never again…

Alone when it is dark..

The darkness engulfs and the dark within embraces….
the lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run....

Walking lonely when it was bright the pastures were green.
and the Heart loved the touch of dark shades as nature’s bless.
It needed a lonely soul to see the beauty of the darkness then.

Today….. The soul wanders lonely… blinded by darkness throughout….
Darkness is not so beautiful when nude…
It’s so rude and slowly poisons this lonely heart.
And this Heart is on the run wanting to be lonely no more.

There were angels wanting to walk beside when it was bright…
and warnings tht a lonely heart is a devils paradise…
But warnings ignored, it needed a lonely soul to see the beauty of the darkness then.
That day was bright… touched by the just shades of darkness. Read as nature’s bless.

As darkness engulfs and the dark within embraces….
The lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run….

Knocking the doors of all those angels wanting to walk beside
Its dark… may be those angels realize darkness is rude when nude…
Doors remain closed, calls unanswered…. And the voice within says…. Run…..

The lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run….
No more wanting to be lonely … Not wanting angels beside…
At the least a glitter of hope by a Lamp that kills the venom within.
not just butterflies but drive away the stomach demons vying for a total take aside.

The lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run….
Angel or a devil never mind but My God please show me light.