Monday, September 20, 2010

The Vagabond...

Cracking within….Emotions forced
to react. Armored Heart barricades
the thoughts, Motion Laws forced to fail…
allowing the dictation of the acts.

Cupid’s arrows...the Eden’s apple…
Questioned Integrity…Blamed a Chauvenist…
Motions forced to react… But armored Heart Blocked.
Moving on determined… eyes on the last frontier.

Distractions thou plenty. but had to Ignore affection...
Escaped attention… Belonging no where.
Neglecting love… sowing weeds of hatred…
Loved to be hated… Moved on like a vagabond...

Inner peace inhaled… Self masked… in the land
Of charmers … here I am… in a royal poise…
Wiping away the pains and hurts… Buddha reborn…
In a brief halt…safe and saved in this disguised sainity.

Behind the armored heart, a thirst unquenched…
All Barricaded reactions is now a force within…
For that frontier to be gifted back for those souls...
Sacrificed. Laughed at...Lose... I may as I move on…

But Here... Remember, I am Just a Vagabond.

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