Friday, October 1, 2010

Me & God - The Tale of Love and Hate.

Years ago,

When the stars twinkled, and the bells ding donged,
and jack and Jill sang along……
I was shown a friend called God, the one who always smiled.

I was told that when in pain and need- to go to him
for he blessed every life to b blissful ever….

I wondered as I gazed and asked if he can; He smiled and just gave a wink….

Times rolled,

Pains were plenty, the needs were too lot…..
and every time I went to him…
he would just smile and wink at me….

Although pains may reduce … it would still pain.
Although needs were met…. more needs popped up.
And I was always wanting his blessings but saw him nowhere.
And everytime I went to him, he would just smile and wink at me…..

Times rolled,
And the seed of want grew into a weed of hate.
I hated him for not being there for me always…
for all the pains he left me to dwell with…
for not keeping me smelling the fragrance of good fortunes…

Someone said.. i have to create my own destiny…..
And so I walked away from my friend,
never bothering to look back and…
determined not to see him again…..

Through the journey many joined,
Being there and caring me, and walking beside all along,
and slowly pains were too less… needs were too little….
and life for the first time was very blissful...

Times rolled,

A loved friend of me reminded me that I had a blessed life…
and that was a disguised gift by the one forgotten …
The one who smiled and one who winked…
but wanted me to learn the life toughest way…my way.

And as I listened, I realized,
all those who came along walking beside,
loving me, guiding me, helping me, comforting me,
They were all who loved him,
and they loved me the one who hated thy.

One more time I went back to him,
With the forgotten love now flowing full,
But still he just smiled at me and winked.

Times rolled,

One by one those who walked beside are going away.
the one who gave me birth is out of the world,
the one gave me life gone forever,
the one who made my way blissful blown by the wind.
the one who gave me the smell of love gone with her beloved.

For now again I Love my friend,
and again the pains are too many.
For now I like him again after a long time
and again the needs are too heavy.

Time will again roll….
But lemme take a break….
Ask him why he wants me to hate him again
and what disguised blessings are for my take…

One more time I am standing in front of him,
gazing at him... waiting for his answer..
and as ever he just smiles and winks at me.........

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