Friday, October 1, 2010

A Four Letter word Called LOVE--- PART 2

A Four Letter word with many a synonym….
But still nobody tells me what does ‘THIS’ LOVE mean?
The quest in me pulled the trigger…
And the bullet went to a ‘BETTER’ saint for answer.

“What do you think” he asked,
“Well, 1+1=3, sometimes more” my intelligence basked...
“Few questions,” That was him, “May clean your perception.
Love is not such a simple mathematical equation”

“The first question. Your first Infatuation?”
Me” The maths teacher I went for tuition!”
He giggled, “U learner, she teacher, anti poles.
So, Love not Maths… but Physics, Dirty Laws of Attraction…”

“And did she bother you with her anatomy..."
Surprised Me, Cool He, “so love is also botany...
Gastric imbalance and so a Chemical reaction...
The formulas of chemistry in action...

“Senses don’t work and Brain always foggy”
Surprised Me, Cool He Smiling, “Love is also Zoology,”
I, “Whats in your Heart... Do you say LOVE is a science in short?”
He, “No, Love is a art”, Me “What”?????????????????????

He showed me a painting abstract…
I perceived that to be confusion by heart…
“Bother to see you will find a Soul”
I bothered, but tough, “Yes I do”, I fooled.
He smiled and moved, So Love is an art, do I conclude?

And to my shock he. “Love is thy, I know u fooled, “
“And not Lie but true,
Many a synonym.... Many a Meaning...
But..... Still nobody tells me what does THIER LOVE mean?”
For a change ---- This time It was he and not me….

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