Monday, September 20, 2010

The Spring arrives...

Fluttering the wings and
Flying west with its gang
The white bird winks at me…
Morning sun smiles bright…
Once again… The spring has arrived…

The touch of green crayons…
amidst the browns after fall…
Butterflies around on the innocent buds…
Young and colorful Lady Earth…
As again….The spring has arrived…

A sober painter is all gay…
A nature’s poet is all set...
Farmer’s glee ready for the harvest...
Lost I stand in the promise around….
all again…. The spring has arrived…

The winking white bird knows…
The smiling Morning sun has seen…
The butter flies are back to remind…
The promises that remain…To restart..
Time again… The spring has arrived…

Underneath I too know….
The many promises I owe to spring…
Every time she arrives… I give a Promise…
The annuals of school to the annals of Love and life…
Promise again… The spring has arrived…

Burnt in the Flames of summer…
Washed down in autumn…
Losing track in the mists of winter…
Promises awake again today.. a new beginning
Hopes again…. The spring has arrived…

Resolute I move… afraid of …
the warnings… Promise again…
to keep up the promises that Remain…
Fear of the Engulfing warming…..
My Breaches may see the spring....
........................... never again…

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