Friday, October 1, 2010

A Four Letter word Called LOVE--- PART 1

A Four Letter word with many a synonym….
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

From Adam and Eve days to the Arabian Tales…
Romeo’s Juliet lives still ... and Cleo’s venom still kills...
Kingdoms Died… Godly Secrets and Davinci codes born...…
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

Souls Shared ... Hearts teared… Deaths Kissed…Sleeps missed...
Hours of belonging is like a dose - wanting more and more….
Seconds of separation is a pain deeply boreD.
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

He thanks thy “Miser! Stingy hips”
She thanks thy “Mine blessed! Six abs pack.”
Rest thank thy- BLESSED inner self, LOVE is blind, God giggles…
But still he doesnt tell me what does this LOVE mean?

Colours recoded, inner secrets decoded,
A valentines day born.. (Urgency wanted 14.3 to b 14.2)
Love punished and a Childrens day born… (Urgency forced a 14.11)
But still nobody tells me what does this LOVE mean?

Un seen faces lost... And then the sound of death songs...
In Love… Communication highways not very long.
Reality Strikes…Shattered images of Celluloid pose alike...
Desires Crash… Losers more and winners less….

Undefined LOVE still wins and lives.
Many a synonym.... Many a Meaning...
But..... Still nobody tells me what does THIER LOVE mean?

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