Monday, September 20, 2010

Alone when it is dark..

The darkness engulfs and the dark within embraces….
the lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run....

Walking lonely when it was bright the pastures were green.
and the Heart loved the touch of dark shades as nature’s bless.
It needed a lonely soul to see the beauty of the darkness then.

Today….. The soul wanders lonely… blinded by darkness throughout….
Darkness is not so beautiful when nude…
It’s so rude and slowly poisons this lonely heart.
And this Heart is on the run wanting to be lonely no more.

There were angels wanting to walk beside when it was bright…
and warnings tht a lonely heart is a devils paradise…
But warnings ignored, it needed a lonely soul to see the beauty of the darkness then.
That day was bright… touched by the just shades of darkness. Read as nature’s bless.

As darkness engulfs and the dark within embraces….
The lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run….

Knocking the doors of all those angels wanting to walk beside
Its dark… may be those angels realize darkness is rude when nude…
Doors remain closed, calls unanswered…. And the voice within says…. Run…..

The lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run….
No more wanting to be lonely … Not wanting angels beside…
At the least a glitter of hope by a Lamp that kills the venom within.
not just butterflies but drive away the stomach demons vying for a total take aside.

The lonely heart which loved being lonely is today on the run….
Angel or a devil never mind but My God please show me light.

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