Friday, October 1, 2010

Move on...

Crushed in the Love Crash, She stood.
Move on! I said. Tears filled, She asked,
“If it were you, Could You?”
Smile filled and wiping her tears,
“Not once, But Time and again,
Yes... I have moved on”

“One summer dawn, still at school,
When my first crush thought,
That I was worth the trash,
Tears filled. But, I did move on…..”

“When the crush next,
Put her dreams first,
By the time she was cupid struck
I had moved on”

“When the girl of my dreams,
Walked away with the man of her dreams,
Heart wanted a halt,
But life forced me to move on”

“Once love sacrificed,
For a social compromise,
Turning back with a good bye,
Once more I had moved on….”

“Crushes move on….
Crashes move on….
Life moves on…..
And so I and You too should move on”

Wiping her tears… and looking into her eyes,
One selfish wish. Not Said
If she does not move on…
I may not move on….
But, if she does move on…..
TOGETHER, We will move on…

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