Saturday, July 18, 2009


In this silence

When nobody listens

i cry aloud

When i think about

this wretched day

that just passed away.

As Tears roll

I sink deep

deep and deep

in the waters

to that deep inside Me.

and deep there

i pick the pearl.

the pearl for which

the sink was for.

With the new found pearl

i regather

to tear the waters

at the top gear

and get out of

the sea of tears

Iam back and now

i need someone to listen.

anybody listening?

Let the Reason be MY LOVE

There have been wars before and my words have blown away all warriors…
But never before in a battle ground … have I looked for saviors.

I have believed am destined to rule… and to conquer all hates…..
Why here my destiny fooled…. Oh! Is today a date with the fate.

I rely on my sword to save me on this date of being hated…
Will your word of love save you from the doors of death being greeted….

As your venomous tongue kiss my lips… the ones to have won wars for my world…
The Magic of my words have failed me… in this battle for you oh! my Bird.

I rely on my sword to save me and to die another day..
And…only the word of love will save you. Dear! Whats your say?

Don’t hate me for that word… which saw my sword behead the one you loved..
But love me for the reason…… and let the reason be love..that Love ..... My Love.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The North Star

Far below my eyes she stands,
Alone on the shore,awaiting...
far away from her but below there…
I see her man lost in his sail….

His hopes in the lashing blues...
His eyes on the guiding me...
His prayers not wanting,
to lose me in a black engulfing…

He knows at the shore she waits…
He rows faster to reach there before night…
the shore in sight... and below there,
in the two faces, the smiles lost hours before arrives….

Hugging each other...
He looks at me with thanks
She smiles at me with pride…
a long kiss of belonging again...

and jealous I stand...

Do they know my love shys away on my sight…?
To run away at dusk….
And return at the dawn only after I am gone…
Neglecting my love… For aeons…

My blues are still… unlike the one flowing below…
I stand amidst… and he hides in the shore…
At dusk lonely I arrive…At dawn lonely I await…
No one to guide… no one to pray… no one to row…

For the ones who love and their loved ones on shore
I am the Hope… and I too Hope…
Oh! My SUN engulf me in your love…
Don’t leave me with tears and fears…

I can’t live alone as a Sailor’s NORTH STAR…

The Weed and the seed

Watered by your Love
Nurtured in your care,
I was blooming all green…
Awaiting the day to belong…

Watching me daily…
Wanting to walk along…
Desperate eyes speaking beyond love…
I wished the wait is not so long…

Wretched birth and haywire living
Given a meaning….
Life had a purpose…
And I awaited the day to belong…

Wicked fate realized….
When you plucked me and threw aside..
Ohhhh ! Had I bothered to see beside…
The one next to me living civilized…

Watered and nurtured…..
Watching with Love…..
and wanting to belong….
was to this civilized seed…..
Watered all along ….
Mistook to be the blessed…
Chanced tht I was next to the seed…
Forgot I am the Cursed Weed.

Wiped away by the wind
After you Plucked and threw me away…
I see that you water your love again..
Awaiting the day to belong….

Weeping from within ….
I see another fellow birth…
Chanced that he is next to the seed…
Wish to caution him he is also a cursed weed.

I miss my Innocence

I smiled at the full moon who greets me withwarm smile...
as he has been in many summers...
I smile back at him as always as in the past...
The past… that’s when I remembered…
Something I lost …and to regain…something I miss…
The garden below is in full glow….My eyes move
past Walkers... Chatters…Loners and Lovers…
Past the watching eyes of moms and dads…
Further deep….. Into the playing kids….
With whom once I too played… and so did she…
The full moon stood bright guarding and watching us play..
I was she and she was me…walking around hand in hand…
I cried in her tears…Her wounds had my pain…
I could kiss, I could hug, and when tired she was my bed…
The moon and all around smiled at our innocence…
From short hide and seek hours the hide has now been
for years… My eyes seek her through the vastness
of the garden today…The Moon leads my eyes to two buds
worn out and walking back hand in hand…and in the
watching eyes of a mother I see her… smiling at the two innocents.
I take a few steps down into the garden…wanting to go near...
wanting to hug and wanting to walk with her hand in hand...
As I get near her puzzled eyes I read a Stranger…I look
at the moon who isn’t smiling but shying away behind the clouds.
I realize…. I have lost her. and to regain… I miss my innocence.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

She Me & the Stage

The lights of the day has been dimmed.
the Stars and the moon have taken their seats.
The stage is set under the sky in this open theatre.
Its all set to replay a shakespearen script.
Its the script where you belong,
so be ready the lady lead.
Although I am the lead on the stage,
Its not just a mere mask I will be wearing today.
For I am not acting but living,
and I cant leave this mask back as I leave the stage..
So what role do I play….
Do I play the man of love and hatred.
The desire to rule not just the empire - but your heart.
A desire which remained a desire ever.
A yearn which forced to betray...
Its in you I confined.Its you I loved.
Its for you I killed him…
Its your love thru what the world sees a traitor in me….
and the magic of words which made me so noble to be killed.
I longed for somebody to tell the world the story of my broken heart .
Until Shakespeare happened and thru him I spoke…
That Brutus was not a Brutal man......
but the brutish words and desires ...
and the brutal love for you that lead to my noble end.
But I cannot be Brutus as its only he who loved and not you.
and its he who was killed by the pain and anguish...
as you went to live with the words.
and... I don’t know to betray…So I cannot be Brutus.
So......... what role do I play?
Do I play the man you lived with ..
Tasting the Wine and Bread until the last breath..
Sharing the venom of love together until the last gasp.
For its he who had whatever you wanted,
For its he whom the world believed.
“Friends lovers and fellow men”( Forget Romans and Countrymen in the language of love)
Do I play the role of him,
The magician of words, the guardian of rome,
the Passionate diplomat, the Passionate lover…
But...... I cannot be him.
Although I can live with you until the eternal death...
I don’t love to be a loser…
Although I can love you and.. You me…
You had belonged somewhere before,
and the brunt you have left behind will hunt us some day.
I cannot be your Love Anthem
and so I don’t want to be Anthony.
So ???......what role do I play?
The one left is Caesar.
I came, I saw, and conquered..
But I will not die thy brutal death…
I will live with the Pains and Blood stains.
But will not... leave you to be lured and die in the magic of words.
The Marks you have left behind will hurt.
But...... No Mark Anthony can love you as I can..
Its Caesar who lives even today....
Born to conquer, Born to rule,Born to live beyond times.
Who knows,
One day I may rule you. .............
So the Stage is set, but.......
the script is changed.
Its Caesar who lives and does not cease to exist,
and your love will live with me,
and My love for my dreams and desires will keep me living.
The Moon is gone...Stars gone until the next time...
The Theatre is bright.The Play is over..
The Mask of Caesar thou stays with me.

WILL I????

Image Courtesy:

Thanks to the guy who shot this most Inspiring pic of my life. Due Credits reserved to him with all royalties and loyalties.



The Eagle was flying high…Up above the world in the sky..
And I gazed at her with surprise…
He noticed my puzzled eyes…
“My son, this bird is an aero plane…And she carries people between lands…
Remember the Ram Epic on television…It’s that flights modern version”
I asked him “Have you flown"
He had a smile wry…“Only the rich can fly”
Me, “will I fly???”
Hugging me he said…“I dream you to be high there in the sky”

Sitting on the billion of his bicycle...
On the way back from school…I wondered, Will I ?????????????????

My Mom had a dream…about a small castle her son will build…
My sister had a dream...about a smile filled life her brother would gift.
Afraid of the autumns that flooded my bed…
Praying to thy to save my home being lost…
I hated rains…fearing that their dreams may be washed…
They dreamt On... and I wondered,
Will I?
Dreams continued…From the corner seat of a party,
When my best buddy dreamt that I would host one…
My Uncle’s dream that I will be in Vogue with fashion…
For My first crush thou I will be a statement of Passion.
She also dreamt that I will be a youth icon…
At the doorsteps of adolescence… when survival was in itself a question…
I laughed at their dreams…And wondered,

Will I????.............................

Did I???
Today…I wake up to the thunder sounds…
And rush to see if my home is safe…
Majestically Stands… My Mom’s pride…
A small but still ‘Castle’… her son’s first gift.

Down there in the garden, my sister is all smiles…
Sharing tales with her little one… Making him dream…
and in his dreams I am an Icon.

and My Uncles…..
Pride and boost around of my lifestyle…
My buddies await my parties for celebration…
Living ways have become my Passion…

Nothing, gifted by time…
had a few to sacrifice…
who dreamt to walk along....
had to go with the wind…

Thou I miss the only one....
who wanted me high there in the sky…
As I fly through the clouds every now and then…
I feel he is there watching me from the heavens with smiles…
I wish he flies along…. But …. all that.... is my Lost Paradise......

Stepping out into the garden I love today to be drenched…
A feel of Deja-Vu…
A feel of accomplishment…
To have realized the dreams…
For those who dreamt for my sake....
No fear of the rains anymore…

Nothing to lose.
Dream for Me… and I WILL do it for you…

But, amidst… I have a dream…..
For a Love … and happiness all throughout…
I wish I realize………….
