Friday, July 17, 2009

The North Star

Far below my eyes she stands,
Alone on the shore,awaiting...
far away from her but below there…
I see her man lost in his sail….

His hopes in the lashing blues...
His eyes on the guiding me...
His prayers not wanting,
to lose me in a black engulfing…

He knows at the shore she waits…
He rows faster to reach there before night…
the shore in sight... and below there,
in the two faces, the smiles lost hours before arrives….

Hugging each other...
He looks at me with thanks
She smiles at me with pride…
a long kiss of belonging again...

and jealous I stand...

Do they know my love shys away on my sight…?
To run away at dusk….
And return at the dawn only after I am gone…
Neglecting my love… For aeons…

My blues are still… unlike the one flowing below…
I stand amidst… and he hides in the shore…
At dusk lonely I arrive…At dawn lonely I await…
No one to guide… no one to pray… no one to row…

For the ones who love and their loved ones on shore
I am the Hope… and I too Hope…
Oh! My SUN engulf me in your love…
Don’t leave me with tears and fears…

I can’t live alone as a Sailor’s NORTH STAR…

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