Saturday, July 18, 2009

Let the Reason be MY LOVE

There have been wars before and my words have blown away all warriors…
But never before in a battle ground … have I looked for saviors.

I have believed am destined to rule… and to conquer all hates…..
Why here my destiny fooled…. Oh! Is today a date with the fate.

I rely on my sword to save me on this date of being hated…
Will your word of love save you from the doors of death being greeted….

As your venomous tongue kiss my lips… the ones to have won wars for my world…
The Magic of my words have failed me… in this battle for you oh! my Bird.

I rely on my sword to save me and to die another day..
And…only the word of love will save you. Dear! Whats your say?

Don’t hate me for that word… which saw my sword behead the one you loved..
But love me for the reason…… and let the reason be love..that Love ..... My Love.

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