Friday, July 17, 2009

The Weed and the seed

Watered by your Love
Nurtured in your care,
I was blooming all green…
Awaiting the day to belong…

Watching me daily…
Wanting to walk along…
Desperate eyes speaking beyond love…
I wished the wait is not so long…

Wretched birth and haywire living
Given a meaning….
Life had a purpose…
And I awaited the day to belong…

Wicked fate realized….
When you plucked me and threw aside..
Ohhhh ! Had I bothered to see beside…
The one next to me living civilized…

Watered and nurtured…..
Watching with Love…..
and wanting to belong….
was to this civilized seed…..
Watered all along ….
Mistook to be the blessed…
Chanced tht I was next to the seed…
Forgot I am the Cursed Weed.

Wiped away by the wind
After you Plucked and threw me away…
I see that you water your love again..
Awaiting the day to belong….

Weeping from within ….
I see another fellow birth…
Chanced that he is next to the seed…
Wish to caution him he is also a cursed weed.

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